Diana Lynn Tritch
9 min readNov 22, 2021



"34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another."
{John 13:34 & 35, KJV}

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I will state, up front, that what I am going to share is probably not pleasant. I feel that too much that I am commanded to write isn’t pleasant! But I do so to honour the Promises I made to God years ago of being Obedient, not just to His Call, but His Commission in me. So, this article hurts, once again. I cry when I write such; and I truly believe it is because I sense the grief of our Father upon us who choose to understand so little. Many say "God cannot feel." Yet, like the Christ extension of Him, Who wept, when we weep, does not our Father? So I can not be silent.

On Friday, a "not guilty" verdict on all 5 counts against Kyle Rittenhouse was given. This is a young man, really still -just a boy, who did as we have all been taught we are allowed to do, that is, if faced with being killed, have the right to defend ourselves. In danger of his own life, Kyle did just that.

Yet, I happened to catch a feed from Sean Hannity this A.M., and NEVVVER have I heard so MUCH HATE presented toward someone who is so young, yet was doing what we all would do in that like situation- fight for the preservation of our very life! Our 'president' no less, called Kyle a "white supremacist last year, and others effectually said the ones he killed should be alive and Kyle dead!

What kind of hellish nature is it that forms human snake venom that deliberately tries to destroy a young man’s life because he was doing what he was supposed to do in simply trying to preserve his own life???

I have backed quite away from what is called "news" these past months -mostly because the majority of what we once watched is crooked, and for the real news, they still do a tap dance around the issues! I cannot. Yet, the longer I watched, I felt as if I were getting very ill inside (I was. Such grief is what starts cancers. Been there. Done that. Don’t want to do that again.) I needed to crawl back into the Arms of my Father and be DEEPLY Embraced, and Consoled, and that is where I have been. I keep a tiny window open, briefly -only on occasions.


So I must ask again, as Lucy (from the Peanuts strips often says), what is WRONG with "YOU BLOCKHEADS!" that you will not step up to the plate to protect this incredible country, nor seem to desire to be the best YOU can be in the greatest country for GOD ever formed???

Remember a thing called "newspapers"? When I was young, wherever there was news in print, it was there for the community! "So and so went on vacation to ...". "So and so’s daughter to wed ...". "So and so’s son has joined the service and is leaving for boot camp ..." And, of course, the sad ones of death. The news was about the COMMUNITY you were living in! Even if you didn’t know them intimately, all had a sense of belonging. It kept us connected. It literally kept us in Prayers for one another. And, it was like a blanket of Comfort that we could wrap ourselves in and find some measure of Peace that all was still right with our world, or that we needed to Pray for someone in need.

That’s all gone. As well, it seems that in most areas, the papers were divided amongst political lines: one democratic... one Republican. But in the late 1960’s, and especially into the 1970’s, newspapers began to consolidate. IMMEDIATELY GONE were the intimate and sweet notes about local community, and instead, left-wing propaganda began to creep deeper into most all "news". Combined shortly thereafter with what was portrayed as "news", the filth of the "movie stars" became “news", and the print and tv propaganda became so vile that our family would no longer have those filthy "rags" in our home, nor watch the hog-pens of life being shown to us on the screen! We still don’t! Sadly, somehow the titillation of these presentations did enamour some, and they still follow like sheep to their slaughter. Well. Welcome to the slaughterhouse of America!

Enticed by the "pay later" plan of credit cards, Americans threw themselves into massive debt overloads! Then, the filth of the printed word and the violence and vulgarity on the screen began to destroy the decency of the human thought processes. Because Americans decided they no longer wanted to work, the extremists in governmental power began to wrap themselves around us, as Python snakes, crushing the life out of the American people with greater and greater tax burdens of debt. But we haven’t been dying fast enough for their causes, or their wishes.

Hence: November 2020: a monumental bogus election built to destroy the last fighting breath of the American public. And America went, "Well, we’re glad this election is over!" and it has seemed that most have carried on as if nothing amiss has happened!

I am endlessly so grateful to our parents! We had two BRILLIANT parents who saw this all coming! And, it seems that, in our home, we almost never stopped talking about this coming moment in time. We did not know it would come so soon; but here we are!

Do any of you know who Saul Alinsky was? If you have been unaware that our Republic was never intended to be a two party system, you probably don’t. Though I cannot find where he was outright called a Communist, he greatly admired everything they did and wrote at length of it, and for it, because he felt they were always for the underdog, and that the whole counts more than the individual. But we become a whole, both physically, and especially Spiritually, ONLY when each individual finds their place and healing in the Creator.

Until one can be strong enough to help his neighbour, and they become two to help others, there is no Unity!

So I leave you with the following points that he openly wrote about and espoused. See if you do not find these very patterns in what is supposed to be the United States today. I think you will!

Just one point before I do. Frequently, in the middle of writing these articles, I am suddenly, and often, stricken with grief that overwhelms me. And, I wonder. If, God forbid, America doesn’t matter, and it is only about our relationship with our Father, then why should it matter that I attempt to educate? Yet, so quickly comes the Reply, "It was for this cause that I sent you." And, immediately, all through me, I see my Spirit connection to my Father is in a rapid growth pattern. Do I understand it? No. Will I ignore, or disobey it? No. So, I leave this with you in the hopes I can wake America up, and at least show her what she has had.

The article below is a Letter to the Editor of The Daily Mining Gazette, Houghton, Michigan, 2014:

“The 8 Steps to Communism

These are the eight levels of controls by Saul Alinsky to transform a nation through socialism into communism.

  • 1. Healthcare – control healthcare and you control the people.
  • 2. Poverty – Increase the poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you provide everything for them to live.
  • 3. Debt – Increase the debt level to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes and this will produce more poverty.
  • 4. Gun control – Remove the ability to defend themselves from government. That way you are able to create a police state.
  • 5. Welfare – Take control of every aspect (food, housing, income) of their lives because that will make them fully dependent on the government.
  • 6. Education – Take control of what people read and listen to and take control or what children learn in school.
  • 7. Religion – Remove belief in God from the government and schools because the people need to believe in only the government knowing what is best for the people.
  • 8. Class warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. Eliminate the middle class.
  • This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to tax the wealthy with the support of the poor.

It should be clear to all how our nation is well on its way to winning its race to the bottom.

Is it our public servants in both political parties who are constitution-despising oath breakers?

Or, we the people who vote and revote them in office to sell us out?

Larry Korpi



Published: Mar 21, 2014,
FROM: The Daily Mining Gazette: The Mining Gazette,
Houghton, MI,
Division of Ogden Newspapers/The Nutting Company (Ogden-Nuttung is the owner of small news circulations in 15 states, including the area in Indiana, where I am from, The Fort Wayne News Sentinel, Fort Wayne, IN)

And below,
Saul Alinsky’s Thirteen Rules for Radicals:

  • 1. Always remember the first rule of power tactics: Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.
  • 2. Never go outside the experience of your people. When an action is outside the experience of the people, the result is confusion, fear and retreat.
  • 3. Wherever possible go outside the experience of the enemy. Here you want to cause confusion, fear, and retreat.
  • 4. Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules. You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity.
  • 5. Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.
  • 6. A good tactic is one that your people enjoy. If your people are not having a ball doing it, there is something very wrong with the tactic.
  • 7. A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag. Man can sustain militant interest in any issue for only a limited time, after which it becomes a ritualistic commitment, like going to church on Sunday mornings.
  • 8. Keep the pressure on, with different tactics and actions, and utilize all events of the period for your purpose.
  • 9. The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.
  • 10. The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition. It is this unceasing pressure that results in the reactions from the opposition that are essential for the success of the campaign.
  • 11. If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counter side; this is based on the principle that every positive has its negative.
  • 12. The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative. You cannot risk being trapped by the enemy in his sudden agreement with your demand and saying " You're right --- we don't know what to do about this issue. Now you tell us.
  • 13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.

More can be found here, if you would please choose to read:

Jesus Said, "A NEW Commandment I give you ...", yet, somehow, I cannot separate my Love of man from the Love of my country. For to the forefathers of America, this country was always about God IN man. And it was for that reason, America, became what she was founded upon: THE LOVE OF GOD IN ALL, AND THEREFORE DESIRING THE BEST FOR ALL!

-Diana Lynn Tritch

[ ] Brackets, if used, for emphasis, as are CAPS. In this piece, bullets used for emphasis as well...

Photo above: from Lucas Alexander, free to use under Unsplash License, https://Unsplash.com



Diana Lynn Tritch

At 8 or 9 months, the Holy Spirit came into my crib and Touched me. I knew that my Servant’s Heart had come to Help again. https://dianalynntritch.com